31 mai 2012

Les News des jeux de BAGARRE!!!

Yop les Gangsters!

 Aujourd'hui quelques news pour s'informer de ce qui se passe dans le monde virtuel de la BAGARRE.

Virtua Fighter V Final Shodown

Beaucoup l'attendaient, il va enfin sortir! Ca se passe sur Xbox live et SEN et c'est prévu pour le 06 juin prochain au tarif de 1200 MSP chez Microsoft et 12,99 € chez Sony.

Persona 4

Une bonne nouvelle concernant la sortie japonaise du dernier né des studios Arc System Works : prévu pour le 08 aout, le jeu vient d'être annoncé avec une date de sortie fixée au 26 juillet! Pour une fois que c'est dans ce sens là on va pas se priver.

Pour découvrir le jeu je vous recommande les channels youtube de Jourdal (http://www.youtube.com/jourdal) et de Hard Edge (http://www.youtube.com/user/HardEdgeOfficial) sans oublier les cast de Vincere sur le jeu (en français donc à suivre sur http://www.lacolererose.com/)

Guilty Gear Accent Core Plus R

On finit cette série de news par (sans doute) la meilleure nouvelle de l'année!

En effet le bébé d'Arc System Works :Guilty Gear va ressortir en arcade sous le nom de Guilty Gear Accent Core Plus R (et oui encore un titre à rallonge, vous commencez à les connaitre^^)

En fait il s'agit d'un rééquilibrage de la dernière version du jeu dont voici la liste (traduite par Dream Maker sur Dustloop)

Axl :

- P, 2P, 6K, 2S, 2HS, jump 6P, jump S : you can now chose to have 2 hits by maintaining the button

- 63214 HS : FRC removed

- 4 (charge) 6 D : New FB

- 5P, 6K new gatling


- Goku moroha mode : damage up, damage penalty from self hits reduced, longer duration, more powerful overall

- 236 D in moroha or goku moroha : more hits, travel distance increased

- 5H, 2H new gatling

- 5H getting vacuum second hit

- Moroha mode gauge now above tension gauge

Anji Mito :

- 6HS : FRC changed to be just before the move hits.

- FB ON , 623D : New FB move, FRC possible right after the move hits.

- 2H, 6H new gatling

- 6H now special cancellable

- FB shitsu (236D) travels farther

I-no :

- FB note, 214D : New FB move, FRC possible right after startup, sends 2 notes

- Can now airdash twice

Venom :

- 6HS : now possible to gatling into from close S.

- FB stinger aim : balls pushed with this move can now bounce several times on the
floor and screen borders.

- FB carcass raid : same as above

Order Sol :

- Charge gauge : When using a move the gauge depletes slower

- Dragon Install Sakkai (632146S) : Tension cost became 50% instead of 100%

- Lvl 2+(?) 236P has walllstick

- Lvl 2+(?) 236K has groundslide

Ky Kiske :

- New move 3HS : Same as the old 6HS pre AC.

- New move, S raging Javelin : New S followup after vapor thrust

- 222HS : FRC now possible just after the move hits

- 214D FB greed saber : new FB

- Lightning Sphere 214D followup after charged stun edge : command changed to 4D
after CSE.

- Charge Drive now wall sticks

Kliff Undersn :

- 214K : FRC now possible just before the move hits

- 214P : has new FB D followup, instant stun (?)

- More damage from 6H max charged ?

Zappa :

- 236H (sword mode) : FRC now possible right after landing (that's what the site says, maybe a typo there or they're talking about the aerial move I dunno)

- 236S (Raoh mode) : now possible airbone

- 214S (Raoh mode) : now possible airbone

- Icons added for each summon

- 632146H gives one orb per hit

 Eddie :

- 236D : Possible to recover eddie gauge over the normal limit with this move, bar becomes pink over blue, command changed to 214D.

- Amorphous causes float (?)

- Eddie gauge moved above tension bar

Justice :

- 22 + button : added P, K and D version possible to roman cancel each of them, command changed from 421 + button.

- Detonation of 22 + button : command changed from P to whatever button you used to trigger the move.

- 623 K : command changed from 412K

- 41236 HS : S version added, now possible airbone

- Gamma ray : FRC added, timing is right after the first hit.

- 236D now causes wallbounce

Jam :

- Not sure to understand everything here but it seems that her powered up special kick moves followups after certain moves can now be done with D button and without any need of followup.

- 22D now gives one card of each

Johnny :

- 214H : Glitter is gold, New move

- 236236H (airbone) : New overdrive

Slayer :

- 632146P : FRC added right before hit and causes ground bounce

- 63214H : command changed to 632146H

- 214H : new move, HS Dandy step

- 214D : new move, FB Dandy step

- 5H causes sliding

Sol Badguy :

- 41236H : return of the old tensionless fafnir, possible to cancel into.

- Tyrant rave (fafnir followup after H or D fafnir) : command changed to 64D from 46D

- 214K (airbone) during dragon install : new move. I guess it's VV's followup, doesn't need to be done as a followup anymore during dragon install apparently.

- 236D airbone : new FB sidewinder

- Clean hit added on Bandit Bringer ?

Chipp Zanuff :

- New FB alpha blade added. Command is D during 236P, causes wallstick

- 623D : new FB beta blade, multiple hit uppercut

- 41236D : new FB gamma blade, holds opponent longer

- HS, alpha blade now combos

Dizzy :

- 421D : New FB move, FB version of 421S (3 homing blades)

- K fish bites 3 times

- Fish laser causes wall stick

- Text above tension bar indicates if not possible to summon fish

Testament :

- Zeinest (web) : command changed to 623P

- Hitomi (tree) : command changed to 623K

- New move (Ruft Warrant ?) : command is 22 P or K

- New FB phantom soul : command is 236D

- EXE beast chargeable to be held in place and come out later

Baiken :

- Youshijin : new command is 623P not possible as guard cancel anymore but only as a normal special move.

- Return of the "wheel counter" command is 214P while on guard

- 63214K : now possible to do guard cancels during the last half of the animation

- Ground 236K hits twice, knockdown on second hit

Faust :

- FB door added, D after 214K

- New thrown items : konbu (eatable) and dumbbell (high ?)

Bridget :

- 6K : now possible to cancel into yoyo or any special move

- 214D : is now homing towards the enemy, causes wall stick

Potemkin :

- 236S : FRC added right after the earthquake comes out

- Hammerfall (written as 4 charge 6 S, command changed ?) : FRC timing is later

- 63214D : P followup added, cancels the animation of judge gauntlet

- Slide head causes groundbounce instead of knockdown

- 6H causes wallbounce

Millia Rage :

- New 2H airbone : return of the pre slash old jump HS

- 236D : FRC added right after the jumping animation

- 214D : New FB secret garden.

- 214S-D : causes wallstick

May :

- 41236D : New FB version of dolphin summon, appears behind opponent

- 623S or HS : possible to followup vertical and horizontal dolphin with restive rolling through this command

- Dolphin level for 41236+ button appears above tension gauge

- 5H has dash cancel ?

Robo-Ky :

- 623H : now possible airbone, FRC possible just as the ground version.

- 2H missile now comes back down towards opponent after a while

- 2S while heat superior than 80% hits twice and lauches

 Beaucoup de choses donc.

Le premier loktest aura lieu le samedi 02 juin, VIVEMENT!

Je vous rappelle que le 16 JUIN prochain aura lieu une session GALACTIC TOURNAMENT avec en plus du freeplay et tournoi habituel UN SPOT DE QUALIFICATION pour la Coupe de France de Street Fighter Edition 2012 sur Street Fighter III Third Strike OE (XBOX 360)

Les détails ici : http://www.neo-arcadia.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=34485 et ici : http://www.ntsc-fr.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3894

Les liens utiles : 

* Le groupe Facebook de la cup : http://www.facebook.com/events/218569941594799/

* La page Google+ de l'event : https://plus.google.com/101476671137838596974/posts

* Et enfin la page Youtube qui va avec : http://www.youtube.com/user/CoupeDeFranceSF

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